Last night when going down to my little barn to tuck in our equine kids...I was met by the sound of quiet nickers and content munching of hay. I paused for a moment..enjoying the moment. All was well in the barn...It makes me contemplate all of the people that are imperative in taking care of our horses.
Good horse management does not happen by chance...it is not luck...it is diligence and most of all having a support system you can trust. It takes a village! Who is that you trust? Who is it that you can call with your questions, who has held your hand when you were losing your best friend? Who has ridden with you on a beautiful autumn day? Who has spent all night with one of your horses when he/she was ill? Who has found you the perfect horse? Who has given you knowlege? Who has taken your child into their arms at their first championship? Saved your horses life? There are so many people that are a part of our lives that support us, help us, guide us...During this season of giving. Make a list of those people. No need for an elaborate gift...just a note of thanks will make the difference.
Looking for gifts? Here is a place to look for a beautiful photo canvas. Randi does amazing work. Take a look for yourself! http://www.kalispellcanvas.com/ The photo at the start of this post is a canvas that Randi did for my pony crazed daughter.
Are you looking for a some horsey related gifts? I just put Gayle Kushel on my list. She is an amazing horsewoman who is taking care of my retired show horse Kyle. Kyle has the biggest heart of any horse on this planet. Gayle has the human heart to match. I am going to give Equine Tack and Nutritionals
They have the best prices, the best service and the knowlege to help me always choose the right product. Gayle is going to be getting a gift basket from the fine folks over there. Another great thing about "Equine Tack." If you are like me, you have horses in a few places. My caregiver of the retired boys can call them for any supplements, medication etc...and it is on the way. (Look for a featured weekly item coming soon..) I am going to stop by and see them today...and buy some stocking stuffers for my horses. I will be back tomorrow with their suggestions for healthy horse treats.
Miguel...the most amazing barn manager. I still don't know what I am putting under the tree for him. If you have help with your horses be sure to thank each of them. I know Miguel will get a bonus check but I also want him to have something special. He said his best gift this year was his showmanager software. I will get back to you on that! I did get an idea from Ellen Toon of JT Farm She was visiting Carrie who has a wonderful store called Personalized Products Carrie is going to embroider vests with Ellen's farm logo for her clients and her grooms.
I know what I am getting for my trainer Heather Irvine of Hillside Farm. I am going to get her a subscription to Phelps Sports Website. She loves reading all of the up to date columns, interviews and watching the video the fine folks over at Phelps Sports provide. My favorite..Hildegard Frostbite. This would be a great gift for yourself!
I have so many people on my list...I better get moving! Dan Hausman, the blacksmith, Dr. Naiomi and Dr. Patterson from Palm Beach Equine, the wonderful woman in the office at Littlewood Farms , My daughters trainers, Ali Oakly and Katie Sparks at Sweet Oak Farm, My head is spinning...so many people on my "Nice" list. Santa is going to be very busy!
Ho Ho Ho!
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